It has been estimated that about 80 million travelers go annually from developed to developing countries. Travel medicine or emporiatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention and management of health problems of international travelers.
Travel Medicine is a branch of medicine at Centinela MD that specializes in diseases and conditions that are acquired during travel. Travelers to different countries should be aware of the potential for acquiring diseases and injury which are not common in their own country. Immunizations, preventative medications, and general precautions should be considered prior to trips to different parts of the world.
Major content areas of travel medicine include the global epidemiology of health risks to the traveler, vaccinology, malaria prevention, and pre-travel counseling designed to maintain the health of the approximately 600 million international travelers.
The field of travel medicine encompasses a wide variety of disciplines including epidemiology, infectious disease, public health, tropical medicine, high altitude physiology, travel related obstetrics, psychiatry, occupational medicine, military and migration medicine, and environmental health.
We provide people and travelers with vaccinations they need and prophylactic medications for various conditions depending on the places of destination. We also stay current with updates and various guidelines for different countries.
Martha Johnson
I was open to trying anything that could help my skin condition. I was aging and my skin was showing it so I went to the Wellness and Anti-aging Program. I was amazed at the results. This is something you will have to try for yourself. I have never been happier.
ReplyWillie Cedric
I heard about this Wellness Program and I knew I needed help. I needed something but I didn't know what. What they taught me and the information I gathered was extremely helpful and I feel like I have a new lease on life.
ReplyPeter Marcos
If I could imagine what my life would have been like if I didn't go to this Program, it would be depressing. Instead, I am so happy my sister referred me to this center and the results are fantastic. I didn't know what to expect but now I'm glad that I found this Program.
This could have been a rough life but all of a sudden, I feel like I just gained my youth back. Ask yourself what you would give to be 20 years old again. That's what I feel like. And I'm 45. Try it for yourself. Live long and prosper.